LIP INK Miracle Brow Stain Application

Make sure the brow area is clean and free of oils, creams and lotions using LIP INK® Off Conditioning Remover then splash with water and pat dry.

Using the angled brush, pick up a small amount of Miracle Brow® Color Stain to outline brows. Fill in by applying color in the direction of hair growth. Layer more color to darken or layer one or more of the Miracle Brow® Color Stains for added intensity

Using the spoolie brush, comb out the color to groom and blend the color evenly..
The codes that appear randomly on color and shine vials provide Internal QC information only.
Upon first application of our classic Lip-Ink color, to ensure proper color, you must first wipe the tip of the applicator. Please note that LIP-INK products may tingle, this reaction is normal. The sensation is due to the natural herbs and botanicals. Remember to open the vials carefully, as LIP-INK's formulas are LIQUID. They can spill, or splatter and when in contact with clothing, carpet, etc. may stain.